Civet Coffee or Weasel Coffee is coffee made from coffee beans that have been eaten and pass through the digestive system Weasel. Through their droppings quality coffee beans that eventually it will be processed until they are available for coffee lovers Wedang. The process of making the best coffee beans are widely found in the area of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi, Indonesia, some well known in the Philippines.
International World also known as Civet coffee, there is no other equivalent word for this process is mostly done by the people of Indonesia to produce coffee beans that aduhaiii ... wekekekeke. What are the most expensive coffee in the world? .. If you ever know about Jamaican Blue Mountain, Ethiopian Harrar, Hawaiian Kona, or even all three types are included class-quality coffee beans and of course expensive. But that's not the most expensive, because Luwak Coffee Arabica Origin Indonesia, which has had record highs. In Japan and America, coffee is sold to the processing enterprises Recent changes every kilogram priced $ 120 - $ 600.
Luwak coffee beans
One small cafe in Australia, selling a cup of Coffee Luwak to customers with pairs at $ 50, in London actually increased to $ 99. The Indonesian government should give the highest appreciation to the coffee and this one species, therefore the International Community know about Indonesia through collaboration flora and fauna in the form of civet brew.
Black is not always sweet
Luwak coffee sales
If you include a class of mongoose .. oops .. I mean big fan of Black Coffee, unlike many of the same Civet, coffee beans soale not directly in untal (telen). Formerly belonged Nasgitel - Heat Legi Kentel, a mixture of sugar and coffee are almost equal proportion, the smell of sugar in coffee should feel bener. But it tastes a little different now rotates 360 degrees * lak mas ... back again??. Because already feel Sweet, sugar mixture've not needed anymore, Coffee Black need not use sugar, the sweetness of coffee in the midst of a bitter taste of sugar weigh somewhat different, it feels stung on my little finger *'ve started to not focus.